My original background was in Agriculture where I studied botany, entomology, microbiology, mycology and zoology at the University of Newcastle on Tyne and Royal Agricultural College. These influences have leached into some of my own work amalgamating with historical and mystical stories to create a melting pot of differing works.
Today I am Studying at the University for the Creative Arts in Surrey. I am in my final year of a Fine Arts Degree describing myself as a mixed media artist, predominantly focusing on photography and interactive sculptural works. Since joining with the Foundation Course in 2018 my work has explored primarily the world of Narcissism, the Self and Selfie culture. My dissertation was entitled “Has the role of female self-portrayal art become obsolete in modern society?” With this study I focused on modern day female self portrayal artists and what they have to do in order to be current and successful in todays fast moving, self-orientated society.
I am interested in feminist values that focus on the beauty industry and the pressure on women of all ages to fall for the gimmicks, procedures and potions that bombard us daily. Much of my most recent work incorporates mirrors forcing the viewer to physically interact with the pieces. My aim is to make this encounter, fun and allow people to interact with my art in a playful manner.